Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I do not like work even when someone else does it. - Twain

"Work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do. Play consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do." - Mark Twain

Over the past few months I have come to the stark realization that robbing Peter to pay Paul could not continue forever, and the house of cards was about to collapse. Thankfully umpiring Little League, and other side jobs kept me afloat, but the time has come for serious, full-time employment.

My calling as a minister I would consider "play," as Twain called it. Not that I would diminish the hard work a minister does, but if he is worth his salt, he has the burning burden in his soul to do the work.

Now, Monday-Friday 8-5, that is an obligation!

Adecco, the employment agency I've worked with periodically has given me a 15 month assignment with Nestle Purina. There are several positions they are filling, so hopefully Tuesday I'll learn what it is exactly I'll be doing. I have general ideas, but specifics will be good.

So next Tuesday I return to the 8-5 life once again, which I have been absent from for the past 5 years. However, I am not complaining, I am actually rather excited.

The offices are located downtown, so I can take an Express bus to work, thus letting me use the travel time (approx. 53 mins. each way) to study and prepare sermons. I hate fooling with traffic, so this option is wonderful. I'll have time for study (close to 10 hours on the road each week), I can relax and let the driver deal with the fools on the road.

I also enjoy meeting new folks, so I am anxious to meet the other "temps" I'll be working with, along with the other employees I'll be spending my days with. I also like to look at it as an opportunity to serve the Lord by as a servant serving a master, aka, employer.

And the obvious addition of funds to my budget is not to be missed either. With new car payments and those dental loan payments, and saving to buy a home - I trust the added income will be a tremendous asset!

So, I now have two jobs - one which the "body is obliged to do" and one my "body is not obliged to do."


strem said...

I hope your assignment goes wonderfully and that you have great people with whom to work. I'm happy this has worked out for you!

Jeremy Sarber said...

Between your post and a Joel Osteen interview I saw yesterday, it has prompted a question in my mind. Is the church under obligation to fully support their pastor if he chooses not work? I don't mean support, but fully support. If so, how far should that go? Just because a church has thousands of people (cough*Joel Osteen*cough), does that mean he should make as much money as he does? I posted this question on the Doctrinal Debate. We'll see where it goes.

Anyway, I hope the new job works out. I pray it does. God bless.